Three Things...

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


For some reason, you are stranded on a desert island! OH NO!

You have endless safe water and various things to eat (phew..).

What three things would you want there with you? And why?

Personally, I would choose a notebook with a LOT of pages, a pen with a lot of ink in it and a gallon of factor 30 sun cream!

Why? Because I love to write everything down. I could write lists of what is around me and what I was going to do when I was rescued.. The sun cream? I don't want to be red!

What about you?


  1. Sunscreen for sure! But I'd also like a book and a water bottle!

  2. I'd bring the sunscreen for sure, but I'd also bring a Kindle loaded with my favorite books (is this cheating?) and a lifetime supply of really cold water ;) Fun post!


  3. I would want a notebook because I love to brainstorm recipes. I would also want a good book and some comfortable tennis shoes to explore the island.

  4. Fun post. I would want my Kindle with loads of books, of course there would be no way to recharge it after it goes dead, moisturizer and flip flops.

  5. Boooooks! But yeah- good call on the sunscreen!

  6. A good book to read, a notebook to write my thoughts on, and a camera to take pictures and capture the experience.

  7. What a creative post! I would choose: 1. Desalination device that turns salt water into drinking water. 2. A huge container of liquid soap because I need to stay clean during my ordeal. 3. A knife because it would be a super helpful tool to have. I wouldn't need sunscreen because I would be lounging under the shade of a tropical tree from noon until 3 p.m., when the sun is at its peak!

  8. Awesome thought provoking post :)

    Well if the food and water are covered then I think I would have to agree with others the sunscreen is really important, can a bring a book with empty writing pages at the back, lol :) I would also bring my Hubby 'cuz we haven't had a vacation by ourselves in FOREVER!!!!!!

    Happy Thursday, cheers, T. :)

    P.S. I'm a Brit living in the USA, I drink LOTS of tea too :)

  9. I would need a good book, some paper and a pen to do some writing. Nothing much more than that. -MovieLover

  10. My hubby, some rose and an iphone w/lots of music xx

  11. I wouldwant something to draw with, a pet, andddd sunscreen! Hey we gotta protectt our skin right?!

  12. I'd want my glasses since I cannot see anything without them or my contacts (and glasses just seem more durable than contacts on a deserted island), a comfy bed, and my husband!
