Monthly Tea Favourites!

Monday, 22 February 2016

This months favourites...

My gorgeous cousins got me this awesome tea for Christmas - it is everything I love about lemon tea! Confessions.. I love lemsip - so when I can drink it and not be ill at the same time, I am happy! Thank you darlings <3 p="">

Next up is this gorgeous green tea my mum brought me back from the states. Oh wow it is so great - I don't want to drink it all because I don't want to run out! But I am enjoying it too much to hold back. Yum!

Seriously - if any of my UK followers know where I can try more of this tea, let me know! Or if any of my USA followers want to do a trade, let me know!

Last up for this month, Tesco's Vanilla Chai - always been my favourite, but seriously, yum! It is so good. I love this with a dash of milk, and lots and lots of biscuits. This is my everyday tea.


  1. They all sound soooo good!! I haven't seen any of them in my stores, too bad!

  2. I LOVE lemon tea and that is a really neat container!

  3. Mmmm... I love that green tea and that they have so many different flavor options!

  4. Mint tea is usually my go to... by vanilla chai... umm I need this like right now!

  5. Oh I love tea too! I'm a fan of lose tea and have a handy dandy one cup steeper. :)

  6. Prefer milk Oolong :) In Russia they drink black tea with lemon, sometimes with milk

  7. That berry plum tea sounds amazing! I really want to go out and buy some!

  8. That green tea sounds delicious!

  9. I am always looking for a good chai tea. I recently gave up coffee (we'll see how long that lasts!) and chai tea is what gets me going in the morning.
