Roast Potatoes and Yorkshires in Coconut Oil?!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Us Brits love our roast potatoes and Yorkshire puds! They are our Sunday treat and personally, I can not get enough of them.

Normally, perfect roast potatoes are traditionally made with goose fat - now I don't know about you, but the thought of using goose fat creeps me out. My mum has always made them with olive oil, which is amazing, but I wanted to try something different.

I literally use coconut oil in everything - remember my coconut oil review? It is my most read blog post (so far!). Check that out here if you haven't already.

Coconut oil potatoes.. Hmm - sounded like heaven to me! So I thought I would try it.

For the following, I used Chi coconut oil - check them out here. I wrote more about them in my previous post - but these guys are great. I have one jar in my kitchen and one in my bedroom that I use to remove make up, as a moisturiser and a conditioner!

Roast Potatoes

For the potatoes, you will need:
1kg Potatoes
(really, any potatoes are good. I used salad potatoes because they were on offer!)
2tbsp Coconut Oil
Salt and Pepper

Cut your potatoes into the sizes you prefer - I cut mine in half. 

The trick to the best potatoes is to part boil them - this cuts their roasting time and makes them soft and amazing.

Place them into water and bring to the boil. Add a little salt.

When the potatoes have been boiling for about 1-2 minutes, drain them. They do NOT need to be cooked through.

Pre-heat your oven to Gas Mark 6 (200 degrees C or 400 degrees F). Pick a dish and melt about a table spoon of coconut oil by putting it in the oven as it is heating up.

Once the coconut oil is melted, add your potatoes and mix them up, making sure the coconut oil is on all of the potatoes - I add another tablespoon of coconut oil over the top if it is needed.

Pop them in the oven for 30 minutes and taadaaah! Perfect roasties. They may need a little longer, or even a little less. It is better to check them after 20 minutes or so.

When they are done, this is what they should look like. YUM! I then crack salt and pepper over the top and serve.

Yorkshire Puds!

Next up, we have the Yorkshire Puds. These are so simple to make and are completely fool proof.

You will need:
100g plain flour
(yes, plain!)
100ml milk
(I used skimmed milk)
2 eggs
Coconut oil

First step, sift your flour into a bowl, add the milk and eggs - mix well. Allow the mix to stand for 10-15 minutes or so. Lumps are not the enemy! The mix should be a little lumpy.

Whilst the mix is standing, grab your muffin dish. Pre-heat your oven to Gas Mark 8 (230 degrees C or 450 degrees F). Pop some coconut oil in each partition - you want enough to cover the bottom entirely. Then place the dish in the oven to heat up.

When the coconut oil has reached a high temperature (leave the dish in the oven for about 5-10 minutes) you are ready to pour the mix in. This step is really important as it is the key to great Yorkshires!

You want to fill each partition about a third full - like this:

Pop them in the oven for 15 minutes - now if you open the oven door, they will deflate, so be patient! Sometimes, I think they need a little longer, so I am constantly peeking through the oven door (without opening it!) to check.

These took me 18 minutes. Aren't they perfect!?

I had both with some gravy - the gravy was literally made from an Oxo gravy ready mix. YUMMY!

Enjoy :)


  1. Not really ENTIRELY on topic, but Your muffin pan is soon cute

    1. Thank you - I got them on sale ages ago - I use any excuse to get them out! :)

  2. I've never heard of these before! I'm printing out the recipe because these look scrumptious!

    1. Thank you! Let me know if you try them :) I would love to see!

  3. I've never cooked using coconut oil, but this looks pretty delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This looks so good. I never think of making anything with coconut oil. I need to really start lookinng into that. I keep reading all these cool recipes with it.
