April's Freebie Haul!

Monday, 27 April 2015

I love getting free samples through the post - who doesn't?!

At the end of each month, I am going to attempt to bring you guys my freebie haul from that month. Basically, I will apply for as many free samples on the 1st of the month and tell you about what I get!

This month...

First up! PG tips are giving away samples of either their green tea or their juicy red berries tea! Now, I already drink their green tea, so I chose the berries! This did come in gorgeous packaging with a voucher - unfortunately I can't show you that as I was too hasty! I have used the voucher :)

I am pretty sure they are still giving out samples - check it out here!

Next up is Aveeno cream. I have never tried Aveeno before so I am really excited to try it!

OMG OMG OMG TEA! I love this brand of Redbush. The Redbush Tea Company are just amazing. When I saw they were giving away free samples - I was straight in there! I LOVE them all - my favourite? You guessed it! Roobios Chai :)

I use Colour Catchers in every laundry load - so I was so happy to get this through the post!

I am yet to try these - but I know I will! These dosing devices were from SuperSavvyMe which is an amazing website that has coupons and samples available to all - check it out! I got all three for free. They are so useful!

Bodyform are great and these are always handy to get! Honestly, I don't even remember actually applying for these, but I am not complaining!

Don't forget to check out the freebie from Wrappz too! 

That is a free phone or tablet skin!
Check out my post here

I think this is a pretty successful month! What did you get this month?

NB: When getting free samples - I would ALWAYS recommend having an alias email address that you don't mind being spammed on!

Disclosure: all opinions stated in this post are my own. I only post reviews about products that I am passionate about and think you should all know about! Thank you for reading :)


  1. I love freebies too! And I use Aveeno lotion and other products from that brand; hopefully you enjoyed all your free goodies!

  2. wow you got great suff and I love that it was all free =)

  3. Looks like you got a bunch of great stuff

  4. That's quite a haul! I will have to try that tea!

  5. Freebies are you really made a haul! I love aveeno facial products, use them a lt!

    Have a great week!

    1. I have heard great things about Aveeno but haven't tried them before - so far, I am impressed!

      You too :)

  6. What a clever idea for a blog post! You got great freebies this month...

  7. Wow, you got so much stuff! Awesome, thank you for sharing!! xx

  8. Wow, great haul! I really need to start taking advantage of freebies! The most I get is a piece of paper with perfume sprayed on there through a beauty catalogue :)

    1. Haha I do that too! I end up finding loads in the bottom of my handbag weeks later! :)

  9. Yes! Who wouldn't love some great free samples!!! Aveeno has an awesome face cream that I love, FYI. ;)

    1. I neeed to try their face cream - you are the second person to say it is great :)
