Homemade Granola!

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Breakfast in my house is a bit hit and miss. With a baby to feed, I often end up eating what he doesn't and soggy toast is not my favourite thing..

I had been searching Pinterest for quick and easy breakfasts that I could make ahead of time and I pinned a lot! But one thing that stood out for me was granola. A few weeks back, a friend of mine said that she had been making her own granola for the week and it was really easy, so I thought I would give it a try! After reading a few recipes, it was easy enough to create my own.

You will need:

And if you like it sweet, add a grated apple into the mix!

First steps, pre heat the oven at 175°c/350°f/Gas Mark 4. While the oven is heating up, mix all dry ingredients together and put in an oven proof dish. Bake for 15 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes. You don't need to be religious with the 3 minute stir, I just like filling my house with the smell!

Mix the wet ingredients together (including the apple if you have decided on a sweeter granola!). When the 15 minutes is up, take the dry ingredients out of the oven. They should smell incredible right about now! Add the wet ingredients and stir thoroughly. Everything should be covered equally.

Once everything is combined, you will want to thinly layer a baking tray with your mix. It is fairly important that it is a thin layer as you want it to bake evenly.

Put back in the oven for a further 15 minutes. It should start to go golden and smell even better!! Once the time is up, turn the oven off, but leave the granola inside for a further 5 minutes. 

Remove the granola from the oven and allow to completely cool. Once cooled, you can store in an air tight jar for around 3 days.

Personally, I have this with yogurt or even by itself as a snack. You can add raisins, chocolate chips, etc to make it perfect for your own taste. This recipe is a great base!


Let me know how it turns out for you!

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