Shopping Haul!

Monday, 4 May 2015

Greg and I went shopping - we had one goal - to find me new clothes for my new job! I start on Tuesday so the clock is ticking and I have nothing to wear! Believe it or not... We didn't get me any clothes.. Ha!

We started off in Primark! Woooo my favourite!

I got all 8 of these cute coasters for £1!
The perfume is a roller one - handbag size! It is £2 and coconutty - I love it
The eye shadow is a cute silver shimmer - it was on sale for 50p
The nail varnish is white and was only 80p
I have never tried the dry spray before - for 80p, it was worth a go!

The socks are awesome. I live in these!! They are £2.50 for 3 pairs.
The dress was so cute, I had to have it! £7

Yay! Something I can actually wear at my new job! Dolly shoes! £4 per pair :) so cute!

The next shop we went to was H&M.

I found these two amazing jumpers.. They were both reduced from £19.99 each, to £3!! Oh I love a bargain!

This was super cute and only 99p!

By now, we were hungry. So, we headed to GBK! YUM!

 Their milkshakes are amazing! (Greg will kill me for this pic!!)

 PAPERCHASE! It was only right that I got a new diary, notebook and pen for my new job, right?!

 This diary was soooo cute - and it was on offer! Reduced from £12 to £2.40! The notebook was £8 and the pen was £2.50 - I love it all!!

We went into New Look to see what we could find and I fell in love with these!

These were only £10.99 - I love them :)

Greg got a headache (probably because I was spending all of our money on nothing that I needed!) so we stopped off at Boots - I found these cute little chocolate bars! SOOO cute!

As Greg literally let me get everything I wanted, it was only right that he treated himself to some super lush shoes in Superdry!

Hope you enjoyed my haul :)


  1. Looks like a fun shopping trip! Shopping is always a good time :)

  2. Those socks look really cool, and I love the dress you bought! And, that burger pic made me hungry, lol!

  3. Hey, good luck with the new job! I love the jumpers, and the blue shoes too :)
