
Thursday, 7 May 2015

My sister in law is originally from Poland - so when we were invited to go to Poland back in September 2014 for her engagement party, we jumped at the chance. I am really glad that I did. I fell in love with the place.

We stayed in a small town, called Sobotka. It was lovely.

I'll keep my writing short as I think the best way to show you an amazing place is through pictures :)

This church was made completely out of wood


We made our own game with conkers!

 In a nearby town called Wroclaw, we went shopping - these little elves were everywhere! So cool.

We got the opportunity to go to the Auschwitz concentration camp - there are no words..

For those that don't know what Auschwitz is - please check it out here

All the way around - I kept the people that lost their lives here in my thoughts. All 1,100,000 of them.

Overall, Poland was incredible. If you get the opportunity to go there, do!


  1. I would love to visit Poland--I feel like it gets overlooked for Germany, Switzerland, and Austria too much! We're going to visit Dauchau later this year, and I'm already emotional just thinking about it. The sheer number of people who were killed at the concentration camps is overwhelming.

    1. It was so incredible - you must go if you get the chance :)

  2. Amazing!!!
    Looks like you had a great trip!
    I love photo blog posts. Sometimes photos are better than words :)))
    I can picture myself there hehe

    1. I agree :) I love looking through pictures!

  3. Thank you for sharing this post! I have always wanted to visit Auschwitz. Your pictures are amazing and speak in a number of ways. I cannot imagine what it must have felt like to walk through the camp. I have been to a concentration came in Germany and just being there you felt a 'presence'. What an experience!

  4. What a powerful story through pictures. Especially of Auschwitz. I went to the Holocaust Museum when I was in middle school and it was overpowering.

    1. It is, isn't it? I think it is important we know our history :)

  5. What an amazing visit. My husband has some ancestors from Poland and he's always wanted to see it.

  6. I would love to go Poland! It looks like a really beautiful place, and I always wanted to see it, and the Auschwitz as well. You must had felt really surreal to be there....

    1. Poland was awesome! And Auschwitz - it really was - so powerful.

  7. Great pictures! That church is beautiful! One question- what are conkers? :-)

    1. Conkers are this ---
      Kids over here poke holes through them, attach them to string and play games with them :)

  8. It looks beautiful. Visiting Auschwitz would be so difficult but it's so important to remember. Thanks for sharing.
